  1. When I Die

From the recording Making Tracks

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When I Die

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Linnea Micciulla, vocals; Mike Loce, guitar


Oh when I die, yes, when I die
When there's no time left to weep or say goodbye
When you lay me on the table,
Please recycle all you're able
But send my bones on back to junior high

To junior high, yes junior high,
Put my skeleton on display for every eye
Instead of nourishing the grasses
I will educate the masses
When I die, Yes, when I die

And the kids, they all will call me "Aunt Linnea"
And I will be their favorite teaching tool
And if my bones get disconnected
I can still be resurrected
With some string, some duct tape
And some crazy glue

Oh when I die, yes when I die
Send my skeleton on back to junior high
Cause I won't be really gone
As long as someone sings this song
When I die, yes when I die

The children all Will stay in school
Because the skeleton they study is so cool
And when it comes to graduation
They'll be the smartest in the nation
Cause Aunt Linnea, she don't raise no fools

And when my bones Begin to fail
And they keep me in a closet, in a pail
Then my work here will be done
Take my bones out one by one
And bury them out back beside the trail

And on a stone Write this inscription:
"Aunt Linnea just defied all description.
As she's finally laid to rest
We have to say, she did her best!"
We hope she's happy with that depiction

And the Earth will spin on its axis
People are born, people die, people pay taxes
But I'll never be quite gone
Long as someone sings this song
Accompanied by drums and horns and saxes

And in time, my bones will fossilize
And they'll be an archeological prize
They'll put my fossils in a museum
Where everyone can see 'em
I'll be oh so busy after my demise

When the universe has expanded and contracted
And my remains have all become compacted
Will I really be all gone
With no one left to sing this song?
Only until Big Bang 2 is enacted!

Then when I rise From soup primordial
Maybe next time I'll be smarter and more cordial!
And in the new economy
I might teach anatomy
To two-headed, six-eyed kids on Planet Borjel

So when I die, Yes, when I die
When there's no time left to weep or say goodbye
I'll never be quite gone
As long as someone sings this song
When I die, yes, when I die